Automotive software solutions

Solutions for car parts distributors

Professional sw and hw suppliers

Software &
hardware solutions

About Nextis

About us

Our company was established in 1999 and is located in Ostrava, the Czech Republic. Since we were established, we focused strictly on software solutions for the automotive spare-part market. A look into the figures shows, how far we have come throughout the years.

thousand orders, received daily

million products updated weekly

countries, where we are with our customers

billion Euros annual turnover through our platforms

thousand database operations every second

countries we are directly operating from

SEO friendly • Responsive • Maintenance

E-commerce platform

The best way to take your online spare-part business to the next level. Natively includes TecDOC, TecRMI, Laximo (VIN search) and many other well known databases. Using our API it is also possible to connect the platform to third party products. It also natively supports B2B and B2C operational modes. The platform is responsive and, without doubt, the most sophisticated solution that you can get in the European market.

dashboard • logistic • pbx

ERP Nextis

The complex information system, from the early beginning, developed and intended for the spare-part trading. It contains all you can need and involves countless of specialized functions. For instance, advanced warehouse management, warehouse optimization tools, direct TecDOC integration, hi-tech logistics module, VOIP-PBX integration and many others. The ERP also provides a direct interconnection to most of the significant European suppliers through the EDI, high level of the business process automation and is fully compatible with the Nextis ecosystem. Within the extensibility options are available API (application interface) and SDK (software developers kit).


Why choose Nextis?


Úspěch naší společnosti stojí na dvou pilířích – silný a efektivní tým našich zaměstnanců a úzká spolupráce se společnosti Nextis. Začít využívat všechny produkty Nextis bylo jedním z nejlepších rozhodnutí která jsme kdy učinili. Po mnoha letech kvalitní spolupráce můžeme jednoznačně říci, že Nextis pro nás není jen dodavatelem softwarových řešení, ale vnímáme jej jako nedílnou součást naší společnosti.

Marek Bochníček
J+M Autodíly


NextIS is not just an automotive eshop software provider. They are a dear and close partner with very modern and comprehensive expertise and professional dedication in what they are making. We have all our trust on them.

Kaloyan Atanasov
Sofia, Bulgaria

You are getting countless functionalities, based on the experience of hundreds of customers from various countries, who are selling parts the same as you.

Our narrow focus on the spare-part market means, that we do not waste our energy and resources to anything else and we invest everything to the constant improvement in this segment of the market.

You do not have to hardly explain each request to the people, who have not even elementary knowledge how to trade spare-part.

You are getting access to the most complex bunch of products, covering the whole chain from the manufacturer to the end customer.

You cooperate with the most experienced team within the European spare-part market. 

You cooperate with the super-stable team. Fluctuation percentile within our company during the last five years is less than one.

You are getting tons of our practical experiences to improve your own business processes.

We understand our customers

Technical support

Our team of perfectly trained technical specialists is always ready to fix any issue or to help you with your requests or wishes.


+420 556 621 300

Client zone

Stay in touch with our support specialists comfortable and easy.

Enter your requests 24 hours and 7 days a week. Stay always well informed of the progress and state of your requests, including the complete history of our cooperation.

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